Manager Engagement levels
Source: Gallup
Gallup research on manager engagement levels shows managers are more likely than non-managers to be:
disengaged at work
burned out
looking for a new job
feeling like their organisation does not care about their wellbeing
Based on Gallup's analysis they recommend focusing on:
Better Leadership Communication: Only three in 10 managers strongly agree their supervisor keeps them informed about what is going on within their organisation.
More Training and Development: Only 48% of managers strongly agree that they currently have the skills needed to be exceptional at their job.
Coaching Support to Prevent Burnout: A coaching strategy can help you spot early signs of burnout before they escalate to resignation.
A Community of Shared Accountability: Managers need to feel that their own team supports them.
Do you need further help?
If you are assessing how to develop your managers and would like to discuss ways I could support you please book a complimentary discovery call using my online scheduler.