Strategic Planning for Improved Performance
Helping your organisation develop the route map for success.
“Strategy is about making choices. It is about deliberately choosing to be different.”
— Michael Porter
Strategic planning and why you really need it
Conducting a strategic review and developing a strategic plan is one of the most important things a business can do to ensure continued success.
A strategic plan sets out why an organisation exists, what the vision for the future is, what the organisation values in terms of how it does its work as well as setting out the key strategic priorities and measures of success. A good strategic plan will enable an organisation to be proactive rather than reactive to situations as they arise.
Some organisations develop a strategic plan to seek funding from the bank or government bodies. Many of these plans gather dust after they have served that initial purpose. A good strategic plan will be a live document that is continuously referred to helping you make better decisions and be used to develop day to day operational plans.
How I can help with your business strategy
I assist organisations of all shapes and sizes to develop plans that will help them to improve and grow. By working with you closely I’ll look at:
Where you are now:
Gap analysis
Assessment to current state
Where do you want to be:
Vision and objectives
Desired future state
How will you get there:
Action plan road-map
How will you know when you are there:
Balance scorecard
Metrics and continuous improvement.
The benefits of strategic planning
To your team
An agreed Vision will ensure your people are clear about the future.
Involving and communicating with your people about your plans for the future will get their commitment, give them ownership and recognition.
The plan provides the team with a clear focus for performance
To your organisation
SMART Objectives will assist you to monitor progress, prioritise and celebrate achievements.
Your Vision and objectives form the basis of the Plan that will be the blueprint to drive your organisation forward.
Your plan will form the basis for regular reviews of the performance of your organisation.
How it works
I undertake strategic and organisational reviews using McKinsey & Company’s 3 dimensions of a post pandemic organisation; who we are, how we operate and how we grow
I meet with stakeholders to better understand their needs and expectations
I work with you to develop strategic plans
I can facilitate strategic planning days.
Strategic Planning: What clients have said
I first met Julie 8 years ago as she supported TIDES in gaining our Investors in People. From my first meeting with Julie she was so friendly while being very professional, approachable & knowledgeable. Since then I have worked with Julie in personal coaching sessions, with rural community groups that TIDES have been supporting & with a range of others urban groups. Julie approaches each piece of work with the same positive energy, openness & professionalism, no matter how big or small!
Liza Wilkinson, Tides Training
Not only did Julie deliver what was asked of her and on time, but it was more the manner in which she went about her business that impressed us most. Julie was able to engage with the Board, SMT, all staff and stakeholders in a seamless way and always remain professional.
Julie was, at all times, patient, courteous, respectful and understanding, all values which align to our organisation. Importantly, what we have ended up with is a new 3 year Strategic Plan with a refreshed Vision, Mission and set of Values which we, as a Board and Staff, will live up to on a daily basis but also a Plan which is realistic yet challenging and which I hope will bring Supporting Communities to the next important phase in our 40+ life cycle.
Colm McDaid, CEO, Supporting Communities NI
Find out more
To arrange a 30min complimentary call to discuss strategic planning for your organisation click here and select a date or get in touch.