Employee Engagement

Understanding the Promoters, Passives and Detractors in your organisation.

“Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person, not just an employee, are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability.”

— Anne M. Mulcahy

The impact of employee engagement on business success

Gallup estimates low employee engagement costs the global economy US $8.9 trillion, or 9% of global GDP.  Their research also shows that disengaged employees have a 37% higher absenteeism rate, 18% lower productivity, and 15% lower profitability. This equates to a not engaged employee costing an organisation at least 18% of its annual salary.

When comparing top-quartile with bottom-quartile engagement, Gallup found that businesses have fewer negative outcomes, more positive outcomes and greater organisational success.

How is employee engagement impacting your business?

Why an employee engagement survey might be the answer

Undertaking an employee survey on a regular basis and involving your employees can help you take action to:

  • drive behavioural change

  • formulate and execute the right strategy

  • improve customer delivery.

Therefore, it may be one of the most important executive tools at your disposal to drive business performance.

Furthermore, the benefits multiply when surveys are regularly undertaken year over year, because performance measures can be tracked and continuous improvements made.

The benefits

  • Employee Engagement Surveys Ireland ACT Julie Allen Consulting

    To your team

    Give your employees a voice

    Help them see that they are heard and valued by responding to feedback

    The team feel happier and satisfied with their work

    Improve loyalty and engagement

  • Workplace Employee Engagement and Employee Wellbeing Surveys Belfast Ireland by Julie Allen Consulting

    To your organisation

    Gain insights as to what matters most to your employees

    Enable you to establish baseline measures

    Improve retention levels and understand the employee experience

    Improved innovation, performance and profitability

How I can help you to improve employee engagement

I provide employee engagement surveys helping you to identify how engaged the team are, your eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score), prepare presentations to help you communicate the results and support you to develop action plans to improve.

If you want to find out more watch my free 30-minute webinar on Unlocking the Power of Employee Engagement Surveys.

Read on to find out more >>

How it works

  1. You decide when you want to conduct the survey.

  2. Team members are given usually 10 working days to complete the survey.

  3. I invite your team to participate in the online survey via an email or weblink. Employees are asked to rate the organisation across 7 engagement drivers, from strongly agree to strongly disagree.

  4. All responses to the survey are confidential and anonymous. No personally identifying information is requested.

  5. Once the agreed end date is reached, the survey will be closed, and the data collated in a dashboard format highlighting Promotors, Passives and Detractors.

  6. Only overall results are shared with the organisation.

Julie Allen Consulting Employee Engagement Gallup

Employee Engagement: What clients have said

"Employee Engagement is a hugely important initiative within our company and something that permanently runs throughout the year. We first engaged Julie Allen in 2019 after meeting with several firms to discuss a new partner for this work. It was quickly very clear that Julie was the person that we wanted to work with us on our Employee Engagement Strategy. We worked with Julie to formulate the structure and detail within the survey to best fit our organization and Julie led us through this process with great speed and quality.

Julie is really excellent to work with. She continues to provide an amazing service for SimplyIOA, implementing and delivering the survey to our entire organization to gauge our eNPS each year. The survey is concise, delivered in a very professional manner and the results are presented to Leadership in various formats to allow us to communicate with the organization at a Team, Division and Overall Business Level. Julie even goes as far as providing us with presentations for Managers with detailed notes etc.

We are really happy working with Julie and will continue to partner with her on such a critical initiative for our organization."

Brian McDowell, President, SimplyIOA

Find out more

To arrange a 30min complimentary call to discuss how I could support you to improve employee engagement click here and select a date or get in touch.