How to manage emotions in the workplace
Are you managing the emotions of your team? Over the past 12 months we’ve all been working differently and maintaining a highly engaged, loyal and motivated workforce may have been difficult for many organisations.

How to overcome your imposter syndrome
Do you feel like a fraud and lack confidence? Many leaders feel like a fraud, doubt their capabilities, lack confidence and believe their success has been due to luck. Here’s how to deal with it.

How to get savvy with emotional intelligence
Emotionally Intelligent leaders understand their own and other people's emotions and have the ability to use emotional information to guide how they think, respond and behave. Find out how to be one.
Workplace Health and Wellbeing Calendar 2021
To be a resilient, thriving, meaningful workplace, people must be both psychologically and physically well. To help with this I have created a health and wellbeing calendar for 2021 with some suggested activities relating to key wellbeing dates. Please download the calendar and share it far and wide.